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What is quartersbrief?

Meet your new right hand when playing World of Warships

Quartersbrief displays information about the ships in your battle, giving you the edge you need for victory.

What does it do?

Quartersbrief is a tool to help you prepare for the battle, based on the premise that better information leads to better decision making.

It detects when you are in battle and generates a briefing to inform you about characteristics and capabilities of enemy (and, in some cases, allied) ships. Ever wonder how far the enemy destroyers can be seen, or how far their torpedoes reach? How good the enemy carrier player is? Quartersbrief can answer that question for you.

Not all information is equally important in all battles. If you are in a stealthy destroyer, the question which ships have radar is probably a lot more pressing than if you are in a big battleship that can be spotted from the moon anyways. Quartersbrief recognizes this, and offes a powerful mechanism for adjusting briefings to the ship you are sailing.

At this point, it should also be clarified what quartersbrief is not: It is not a cheat. It does not allow you to spy on your opponents. Quartersbrief does not, and will never, give you information to you that you couldn’t have gotten in some other way - be it from the official Wiki, the information available in-game in the port, through the World of Warships news articles, the forums, or other sources. Its power is not that it brings you information that’s otherwise unavailable, but rather that it gathers it all in a single location and shows it to you in a simple, concise manner at exactly the time when you need it. By way of example: Quartersbrief may show you that an enemy ship is theoretically capable of equipping a torpedo reload booster, but it will never tell you whether any specific ship in your battle actually has it equipped.

Why would I need this?

World of Warships is a game that is easy to play, and difficult to play well. Initially, it’s pretty easy to pick up: There are not a lot of controls, and with just a little bit of practice you will quickly be able to land shots on target. It’s at this point, when you have start having to think about tactical decisions, that things suddenly get hard: What targets do you prioritize? Do you fight, or do you disengage? Where do you position yourself? Making good decisions about these things requires a vast amount of information, and you will find that good players have a wealth of knowledge committed to heart.

Quartersbrief aims to provide you with that information without requiring you to memorize it all.

Great! How can I get it?

Head over to the downloads page and follow the instructions there. Fair winds and following seas!