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v0.2 has entered beta status

Quartersbrief second major release has entered beta phase.

What does this mean?

v0.2 has now reached a feature set and maturity that I consider close to being releasable. The overarching theme for this release has been the handling of ships’ armor data. The algorithm for this has been refined quite a bit by now.

With the move to beta status, v0.2 is under feature freeze: no new features will be implemented anymore. During the beta phase, bugs in the existing feature set will be addressed, before v0.2 will be published as a stable release.

Quartersbrief is still under active development, and I still have new plans and ideas. The next major version - v0.3 - is planned to focus on gunnery.

What’s new in this release?

Major improvements in this release:

For a full changelog please refer to the release page.

Download it from the downloads page or find out more on the release page.