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Status report

Why the seas around quartersbrief are currently so calm

Quartersbrief reached a milestone in August when v0.2 was released. Since then, it has gotten very quiet around the project. Is quartersbrief still alive?

A minor sign of life

The short answer is, yes, as evidenced by the minor bugfix release v0.2.1. This adressed an internal shortcoming related to basic assumptions quartersbrief makes about the game data and how these were verified during the update process.

The bigger picture

A bugfix release just means I am still putting bandaids on to maintain the status quo. But is there still active development in the sense of expansion? New features?

Again, the answer is yes. However, as with the early stages of v0.2, I am currently laying the groundwork for the next version’s features. This involves an overhaul of some fairly fundamental parts of quartersbrief, which may be detailed in a separate post soon.

Ultimately, doing this will pave the way to handling weapons - artillery in particular - in much more detail than is currently possible. Because, somewhat bizarrely, although World of Warships is all about ships shooting at each other, dealing with weaponry is currently not quartersbrief’s strong suit.

Speed issues

It may seem like, nonetheless, development has slowed down in comparison to the past.

This is entirely true. Bear in mind, I develop this program as a one-man project in my free time. And free time simply happens to be a commodity I have very little of at the moment.

So, in essence: Quartersbrief is still under active development, but what I’m doing right now requires time to do right. A lot of time. And this happens to coincide with a time in my personal life where I have little time to spare.

So bear with me. Good things are coming. They are just coming slowly.