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New pre-release: v0.3.0-alpha.1

A new prerelease version of quartersbrief is available to test more internal improvements.

Intent and rationale

The previous alpha version was intended to check the real-world fitness of internal changes. This test has gone well.

At the same time, development has progressed with more internal remodelling. While the last alpha changed the way data was provided to quartersbrief, this version fundamentally changes the way data is presented to quartersbrief. Again, this is mostly an internal change designed to increase stability and testability, although it will simplify the use of has clauses and facilitate more powerful filtering rules in topics (although this is not implemented yet).

Like the previous alpha release, this release is intended to test those changes in a real-world setting both in terms of functionality and performance.



For a full changelog please refer to the release page. You can download it from the downloads page or find out more on the release page.